Dano's Fireworks Marquee June 2024

Two Washington, Kansas Residents Place First in Kansas Soybean Yield Contest

Kansas Soybean Association
Kansas Soybean Association

Despite environmental challenges testing farmers throughout the 2023 crop season, the Kansas Soybean Yield Contest had a strong showing in entries with 40 participants – up 15 entries from the 2022 contest.  The most recent iteration of the contest attracted several first-time entrants and brought back many familiar participants to make fierce competition for the top honors.

In the north central conventional-till dryland division, Rod Stewart of Washington, took first place with a 62.8 bushel-per-acre crop.

In the north central no-till dryland division, Ryan Stewart of Washington, earned first place with an entry of 62.4 bushels per acre.

The Kansas Soybean Commission provides monetary awards to finalists each year.  The highest dryland and irrigated yields in the state each receive a $1,000 award.  In each district and the value contest, first place receives $300, second receives $200, and third receives $100.

Winners received recognition at the 2024 Kansas Soybean Expo January 10th in Topeka.  Details about the contests are available at www.kansassoybeans.org/contests.